We welcome new artist applications, however, our membership is currently full and we will not be accepting any new member applications this year.

We will begin accepting new member applications again 1 February, 2026 through 31 March, 2026.

Our Jury Process

Items the jurors may consider in evaluating work:

  • BOSCO uses two independent outside jurors for membership consideration
  • Evidence of technical skill and control in the use of media
  • Creative use of formal design elements (pattern, color, rhythm, texture, line, value, etc.)
  • Overall unity in the work, consistency of purpose and technique
  • Individuality of expression, uniqueness
What You'll Need
To make the application process quick and easy,
have the following information ready:
  • Why you wish to join BOSCO: Please describe how your participation will further BOSCO's mission to educate the public to the artists' process.
  • Your artist statement: Typically brief in length (a few sentences or a paragraph long), a well-written artist statement provides clarity and context to your work and helps give viewers a deeper understanding of your creative intentions, processes and your choice of mediums.
  • Your Resumé/Bio: Please upload an up-to-date resumé or bio in PDF format. Since jurying is blind, please only include your initials not your full name. Length must not exceed two pages.
  • Examples of your work: 6 images of your best work created within the last 3 years. Images should be JPG (Jpeg) format and no smaller than 2000px on their longest edge and no larger than 3MB each.
  • Payment: Debit or credit card to pay a non-refundable $25 application fee
Membership Tiers
Participating Artist


Per Year
  • Attend meetings
  • Vote on BOSCO issues
  • Participate in the annual Open Studios Tour
  • Participate in all other events
  • Promoted on the website and through social media
  • Maintain juried membership
Shared Members


Per Year
  • Available to two or more artists who make their work at the same physical location
  • Each artist must apply, jury in, and be accepted individually
  • Receives the same benefits as Participating members
Supporting Artist


Per Year
  • Attend meetings
  • Vote on BOSCO issues
  • Do NOT Participate in the annual Open Studios Tour
  • Participate in all other events
  • Promoted on the website and through social media
  • Maintain juried membership
Student Artist


Per Year Until Graduation
  • Currently registered Senior or Grad college student, or current year graduate
  • Provide copy of current semester's class schedule
  • Receives the same benefits as Participating members
Emerging Artist


First year
  • Artist with limited experience exhibiting their artwork and sharing their artistic process
  • Up to two artists accepted in this category per year
  • Scholarship will cover the membership fee for that first year
  • Each recipient will complete 10 volunteer hours serving on a committee
  • Receives the same benefits as Participating members