Dave Thomas

I’m an abstract painter, I have been painting for over 55 years. From my daily studio practice comes discovery, meaning, content, questions, what’s real or unreal etc. My work projects energy, process, movement. All I have to say comes from that daily practice not a preconceived agenda. 

I’m a process painter looking for an excuse to paint. Materials I find often inform the work itself. 

Painting is a visual language and it’s not easy to put into words, it’s an emotional experience. I’m looking for some new way of painting or what painting can be. 

Today’s work informs me of tomorrow’s. 

  • Painting
Artist Bio

Thomas was born in Fresno California in 1949 where he spent time in the Sierra Mountains with his family half of which where cowboys and loggers. When his parents moved to Santa Cruz California in 1961 he discovered surfing and as he says “spent his teenage years floating on a surfboard in the Pacific Ocean” as well as sailing. The ocean became an important influence in his life as an artist. “The freedom on a wave is very similar to making decisions on a canvas and you alone are responsible for both”. Thomas has a BFA & MFA from California Institute of the Arts.
