Sara Hill

Sara Hill is an expressive, intuitive abstract artist seeking to capture the experience of being alive in nature. She finds the ever changing nature of rivers a conduit or sanction to experiment and explore continual new ways of creating art. Most of her work seeks to merge inner and outer landscapes and is created primarily from memory, her impressions and her imagination. 

  • Mixed Media
  • Painting
Artist Bio

With no formal art training, Sara began painting in 2016 by creating a series of monoprints and fluid art pieces. Since then her art has evolved into other mediums with her most recent series embodying mixed media elements including inks, acrylics, graphite and collage. Since beginning her career in 2016 Sara has sold and exhibited at Surel's Place, the Garden City Library, Art in the Park, Art and Roses, ArtSource Gallery, the Shrinky Dink Auction, West Elm and numerous First Friday events in Garden City.  In addition, she has also served on the Review Panel or jury for Visual Arts Residencies at Surel's Place in Garden City. For the past three years Sara  worked  as an Art Coach for Louise Fletcher's courses Find Your Joy and Find Your Voice where she helped students discover and express their authentic artist styles. Sara looks forward to participating this year in the Boise Open Studios tour and sharing more of her process. Sara currently lives near the river in Garden City and finds this setting a continual source of inspiration.

By the Pond