Emma Taylor

Despite our differences as people, there are common narratives that we share. 

Emma often refers to her own childhood memories of discovering the world or watching her own children experience their surroundings.  She believes strongly in the idea of "play" and has been trying to perfect it for more than forty years.  She has found that her children are far much better at it than she is.

  • Painting
Artist Bio

Emma Taylor was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  She grew up surrounded by a lot of siblings in the picturesque town of Pleasant Grove.  She earned a B.A. in Art from Brigham Young University.  She continues to develop her figurative art skills and primarily works with oil paint.  She works to capture human interaction, emotion, and social connections.  Her painting compositions are simple in nature with bright colors and bold patterns.  Inspiration comes from everyday life and her work as a wife, and a mom to five children.  She lives in Eagle, Idaho.

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